This and that, everything including the kitchen sink.

Posts tagged ‘The Princess’

Calliope-Wiggle Tummy

tummy2After her death defying leap from a second story window, scaring me half to death, eating a can of tuna plus almost a whole big can of catfood, Calliope is snoozing. No wild party going on tonight, just a few wiggles. Calliope is calm, I am not.  I want those kittens to be born!

princessThe Princess is getting tired of playing second fiddle to our house guest. She remains sweet to Calliope, but after the stressful fuss today she made a point of insinuating herself between us. It’s her job, she reminded me, to oversee my welfare. Such a fuss over a silly little kitten.

She has no idea what it’s going to be like when the babies arrive. I haven’t had kittens for over a year. I’ve never had a pregnant cat since she was born. Still, she knows to be kind.

She leans full length against my body and presses her cheek next to mine. She reminds  me just how special she is and how much she loves me.

Each cat has it’s own time with me during the day. Usually at least three cats are within reach, if not actually on me or touching me. I think they have an invisible schedule up somewhere.



Calliope Explores


Are you SURE there isn’t anybody waiting to pounce on me from the other side of this wall?

Outside of an upset tummy, probably just from food changes, Calliope has been healthy and happy. I’ve put Major Tom in with her a lot, and occasionally Willetta. The only kitty I worry about is Majyk. He can be positively rude. But today I let him in the room and they ignored each other. She wanted to explore the house, so, with me as a worry wart escort, we explored. Meaning I just followed her everywhere to make sure there weren’t problems.



My apartment isn’t big, but on the other hand, Calliope is small. After a brief trip into each room, she settled down on Majyk’s favorite perch, the back of the recliner. She could see all the room from there and peek outside too. She also noticed my two oldest kitties, The Princess and Jazz. I didn’t bother to introduce them first, as they are so familiar with new fur kids they don’t blink an eye.


Calliope meets Jazz. Neither one cares!

Calliope peered down at Jazz, over at The Princess and obviously decided she had nothing to fear there.

Majyk tromped downstairs, saw her on HIS perch and pretended to ignore her. She watched him, but didn’t look worried, plus she had the higher ground. After he made sure his wasn’t missing out on any treats he left the room.

Keeping a close watch on me, she walked over to where I was sitting. Her path took her across a table filled with slippery papers and my keyboard, and over the top of sleeping Princess. These are forbidden areas to my cats, but she has guest privileges for now.


I feel at home here!

All is quiet now. Calliope has settled in another forbidden spot, my shelves. Perhaps she thinks my lion bookends will offer shelter. More likely it’s just a good vantage point to keep me and any other cats in sight. I hope it stays this quiet, but with Majyk around, I’m not counting on it!